....wildebeest and impala are as obvious as cattle in India!!
So is ‘Pumba’(Warthog) that usually runs off at any signs of human presence.....
Vervet monkeys are also a lucky spot
So are kudus that are generally shyer than the other grazers.
The reserve is also very rich in its water ways and dams by virtue of having the Waterberg plateau in its territory.....
the water monitor is quite common at such embankments.
There is abundance of wildlife on the plateau as well...
the very charismatic Blaze buck as well as zebra roam in large numbers here.
The lesser creatures are a source of immense pleasure if one is observant enough.
Snake eagle
And then there are the mastodons- the rhino and the elephant
The reserve easily accommodates the current number - seven rhinos including the calves considering factors such as food, water, area etc.
Still, being nature’s heavy weights they try to boss around the drinking ponds!!....
most would give them a wide berth...except probably male lions and elephants.
And speaking about ‘Jumbo’, they take their own sweet time to cross the road!!
seen here is a herd with the matriot leading...
It was towards evening that we completed our wish list of African game...
concluding it with the world’s tallest mammal....
and what an encounter it was!!
this was no ‘love tangle’ as it seems...it was reconnaissance before the duel began.....
with necks and legs in place, they went for the slugfest!!!
barely 20 feet away, we could hear the every thud as clearly as it was intended to be!
dual purpose of the weapon: a giant club suspended from a thick rope....
the club being a thinking tool as well!!.
only occurs in nature!!
Blow by blow, the fight went to the road just as we had enough of being trigger happy..
And commenced for another 5 minutes or so before the driver intervened by moving the vehicle forward.....
and that’s when the belligerents called for an unexpected but much needed interval- both for us and them
....and gazed....quite puzzled at the source of interruption.....
finally they gave way... as we left them to hopefully truce!
All the information and pictures furnished here have copyrights strictly reserved and shared between Shaz Syed (blogger) and The Entabeni Game Conservancy- South Africa.
Any possession, production or distribution of the material by anyone other than the owner/s would be considered copyright infringement and dealt with accordingly.